The Scf/Kit pathway implements self-organized epithelial patterning



•Xenopus epidermal multiciliated cells evenly space before radial intercalation•Pattern formation involves mutual repulsion and affinity for outer-layer cell junctions•Arp2/3-dependent actin remodeling is required patterning•The Scf/Kit pathway promotes both How global patterns emerge from individual behaviors poorly understood. In the Xenopus embryonic epidermis, (MCCs) are born in a random pattern within an inner mesenchymal layer subsequently intercalate at regular intervals into outer epithelial layer. Using video microscopy mathematical modeling, we found that emergence among motile immature MCCs toward intercellular junctions. Consistently, Arp2/3-mediated MCC patterning. Mechanistically, show Kit tyrosine kinase receptor, expressed MCCs, its ligand Scf, cells, distribution. Membrane-associated Scf behaves as potent adhesive cue while soluble form their repulsion. Finally, expression sufficient to confer order disordered heterologous population. 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عنوان ژورنال: Developmental Cell

سال: 2021

ISSN: ['1878-1551', '1534-5807']